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Wild Nectar Ceremonial Women's Immersion | June 20th-23rd


ceremonial women’s immersion

June 20th - 23rd

“The whole world and your body are filled with innate joy and nourished by eternal bliss. In one sweep of attention, embrace this as your true reality. Remember it as your essence, your nature. Meditating in this way a nectar arises from the deepest levels of reality. Attend to this nectar and become radiantly alive.”

- Radiance Sutras

We invite you into ceremonial immersion, when the nectar of the earth is flowing with abundance, when the innate wisdom of our bodies crave pollination, when the flowers of our unique essence begin to bloom. In the portal of the summer solstice we will gather to pray, dance, dream, embody, and express. A time to strengthen through sweetness, to connect in the power of circle, a time to dip out of our regular day to day routine and into the wild immersion of your soul. Through deep ceremonial space we emerge and renew our connection to the sacred essence of our beauty and power. 

We are calling in the women who are ready to walk to their edges, who are ready to dive into the deep spaces of their soul and find their true embodiment. We invite those who are willing to find their wild depths, who can kneel on the earth and in the water to pray not only for their own liberation into freedom of expression, but also are able to pray for the healing of humanity and earth. These ceremonial spaces are meant to take us deep into the self, into soul, and ultimately beyond the self where we can recognize and find our place in the collective vision and prayer for this earth. 

We welcome you for 3 nights and 4 days to explore the wild, ancient, and powerful threads of your innate wisdom, magic, and medicine. This will be a gathering of women who are aching to be woven back into their essence, stitched deeper into their remembrance, and rooted in connection. Held on the Island's northeast shore at Rock Barra Artist Retreat, where we are invited into the mists of wonder that this land brings forth, together we will share:

Sacred Women's Circle
Cacao Ceremony
Intentional Movement
Beauty Rituals
Plant Journeys
Ecstatic Dance
Cha Dao Tea Ceremony
Elemental Wisdom
Ancestral Healing
Song & Drum
Homeopathic Meditative Proving
Intuitive Practices
& so much more!



A non-refundable deposit of $111.00 will reserve your space.

Payment plans are available, so please inquire if you would like to split up your payment.

- All meals
(please bring some small snack items to share with group and for personal eating between meals)
- All included activities, rituals, and offerings
- Access to beach, sauna, walking trail, river

Arrive anytime after 5:00pm on Thursday to ground and settle. The welcome ceremony begins at 7:00pm. Some rustic lodging is available in the house for those who are elders, or who have mobility or other issues. There are also some airstream trailers. If you are able-bodied you are encouraged to tent. There are also Airbnb's and a hotel nearby. If you need one of these spaces rather than camping please specify. There will be some tents available if you don’t have your own. Bring your own blankets, pillows, etc. regardless of where you are sleeping.


Fill out the form below to secure your spot and we will respond within 72 hours with confirmation.

“honey and the moon

dancing between this realm of beauty and the next

wildflowers pulsing with ultraviolet songs long into these summer nights

can you feel it?

these ancient rhythms that are trying to sing their medicine back into your bones?

the world is full of anguish and each heart is swelling for something deeper

the hum goes on singing in the early hours of dawn, you can hear it through the first moan of the bees

and it goes on whispering it’s wisdom in the soft rest of sundown, when the moths and the last of the songbirds offer their evening prayers

you can feel it in the sun, if you pause present enough to feel its pleasure

you can taste it in the aromas of the flowers

can’t you just stop and let them devour you into their beauty for just a moment?

you can taste it with every drop of honey that’s placed upon your tongue, the distilled essence of those thousands of wildflowers you didn’t have time to smell

one thousand flights across this sacred earth, making love with every flower along the path, sipping on this nectar and making this earth continue to bloom

contained within each golden drop is this wisdom beyond the ages

and this is only one of a thousand ways to sing the ancient rhythms back into your bones” 

~Katlin Doyle

May 25


July 19

Magdalene Mysteries Ceremonial Women's Immersion | July 19th - 21st